Wednesday, September 3, 2008


as it turns out, we weren't able to get our visa to china. they're not giving out any more tourist visas until october. that's was a disappointment, so we looked into going through hong kong but there was still uncertainty about getting in. so we're just going to have to see the great wall on another trip. if i'm honest with myself (and all of you, i guess), china isn't one of the places i was most excited to go. maybe it's for the best that i'm spending my time in a place i'm really eager to visit. anyway, no china.

instead we arrived yesterday in india! i'm really excited for this next phase of our adventure to begin. it's going to be really different, as jasmine won't be with us anymore. she's already left for hawaii, where she'll live with her cousin for a bit before heading back to the states.

now it's just morgan and me. we got in to delhi last night and were not met at the airport as we had requested. so we took a taxi to our hotel and were told that there were no rooms left, in spite of our reservation. (not sure what the point of a reservation is then...) so we found a place a block away and shared our room with a little mouse and a gecko.

tonight we will go by bus up to rishikesh, a city known for its yoga. even the beatles visited. we hope to stay in an ashram for a few weeks and have an intensive yoga retreat.

in the near future we also plan to visit nepal and bhutan. we're not exactly sure how this will work. we could go by air to nepal and then from there go to bhutan, or vice versa. or, alternatively, we could go to one or the other over land. or we could do this as two seperate trips. the options are fairly overwhelming, because we're trying to do this as cheaply as possible. bhutan is really going to break our budget. basically, everything we earned during our two months in korea will go towards less than a week in bhutan. but from everything i have heard, it will be worth it. when else will i have this opportunity? and, as with all of these places, i'd like to see them sooner rather than later because they're changing so quickly. even if i did get another chance to come here, i know it won't be the same as it is now. so here we are.

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