Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Scraped knee & chaco tan

Where does the time go? We (Morgan, Martha & I) are on the Croatian island of Vis. For the past few weeks, we've had patchy wifi ("wee-fee" in Europe), and no access to computers. So no way to upload photos from the digi.

Here's a quick recap of where we've been, and some highlights:
-celebrated Neva & Fredo's wedding outside of Paris
-visited Jim & Francoise near Annecy in the French Alps, where we enjoyed a great hike with spectacular views and some delicious fondue and gourmet food
-spent an exciting day of travel to arrive virtually unannounced at Tina's cheese-making dairy farm in the Swiss Alps, and got to bathe in still-warm whey
-met up with Martha (a day late) at Lake Como in Italy-- beautiful!
-made a quick trip through Verona, where Juliette's balcony and tomb were more moving than expected
-used Padua as a base to visit Venice, which was charming and delightful
-bussed to Split, Croatia, along the beautiful coast, and then took a ferry to Vis, where we have spent the last day.5 beaching

Tomorrow the plan is to scuba dive down to some ancient ruins with huge urns (?). I have to research this a bit more. Or just go and be surprised...

Now we're trying to work out the best route to Prague. We have people there to show us around, and will be joined by Sean. Then lots of adventure and reunions with friends and family in Germany. Perhaps a day or a few in Amsterdam before our last destination: Estonia.

Ta-da! It's been great so far, with a few hiccups (skinned knee, etc.). Mostly fun (tanned feet, etc.). We miss you, and will fill in details upon our return. I'll get a chance, I'm sure, to post again (including pics) when I'm not just typing on my cell phone. For now, that's all my thumbs can take!


Thursday, July 4, 2013

statue butts and more

Just like french camp... in real life

Things tend to work out. When I came to France once before, in '96 on a french class trip, I accurately predicted that my bag would be the very first off the plane. This time, my pack arrived on the flight before mine. I didn't know that until allll the other luggage came and went. Fortunately, that delayed me long enough to allow morgan's broken down train to be repaired, so that he could arrive just as I was about to hop on the metro (at midnight).

Earlier in the day, he visited the louvre. See photo, when he posts it.

We are very appreciative of our great host, Felix. From his home we've explored the neighborhood and also the impressionist museum- musee d'orsay.

Morgan is providing the photo documentation, and I'm sure he'd post a classic photo of baguette, brie, and fig jam here... but we already ate it.

I'll update this blog from time to time over the next couple months, when I have wifi for my phone--I'm typing on a little keyboard, so please excuse typos, Mom. Oh, I was wrong. I can receive texts for free, but sending costs $.

Tomorrow we're off to a wedding in a place called Ville Perdu (lost city) on the groom's family farm. Looking fwd to seeing all of my college ladies!

Au revoir from paris.